Wednesday, April 29, 2009


'Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and remember:

1. Money does not create human beings. But man can create MONEY ....
2. Get your life as yourself. Important that you need COMFORTABLE ...
3. Do not do what other people say. Listen to their course, but just do what makes you comfortable (feel good). Do not follow The others!!!
4. Do not buy goods because Its Brands. Wears clothes that really make you feel comfortable.
5. Do not spend your money for goods that are not important.
Use your money wisely for the needs of the
you really need.
6. Finally, this is all your life. "Life is only once. Why do you need to give people the opportunity
to manage your life?. Live with your own style, which is you're happy, you're satisfied, you are comfortable, and you will be happier ...

Rules pay attention please:

Pay attention to the 2% rule. do not let that one position in the loss exceeds 2% of total capital. This rule will be able to determine your stop loss level is at. Likewise this rule can help you how it is that the lot number associated with stock prices and associate with the 2% rule is

Note the 6% rule. If all the losses have reached 6% of total capital, selling all and stop trading in the first month. Find the causes of the error so that the losses arising up to 6% of these. Try to fix the error and have to know if the error may be new trading again on the following month.

• Set the stop before you shop. Making trading plan contains what price that I need to buy, how does the what price that I need to take profit and how much will be cut loss and specify trailing stop (stop steps) if you want your profit be higher than your target. It is recommended not to make a purchase before trading plan is prepared.


Rose Jane said...

i used to have 4 credit cards... I suffered how to pay it because of overspending.. thanks God.. I manage to pay the two of it. Now, on the way to finish the 3rd.. and hopefully for the 4th...

Ary said...

I was an indexes trader. but I'm affraid of big lose although I still want to trade forex.