Monday, March 16, 2009

Buy Stocks (Shares)

In addition to the regular market or secondary market, investors can buy shares in the prime market. Prime market is the first time the stock market was published by the company. Generally much more beginner investors know the market first prime market is rather regular. In general, this market investors who buy, sell so take advantage in the regular market. Top reasons for that is that not a few investors who fight in the prime market in order to gain advantage in the secondary market. Sometimes buy shares in prime market have long queue, because the position of selling more than position of buying. So to avoid things that investors need to understand the condition of whether the price is really cheap? Then the management companies that do offer these, and then the guarantor and the structure of industrial emissions from the company doing the bidding public.

Practical way to compare easily.

From the industry, for example, investors can be guided in the industry that is already in Stock Exchange (Dow Jones Industrial, Nasdaq, IHSG, Nikkei, etc). If the guidelines in determining the choice of investors, stock prices in the PER (price earning ratio) then the investor needs to know that PER offered by the company will go public is really cheap.

Easily like this, if the average PER industry have 20 times the number of shares that will then make a general offer should be below 20 times. In addition to PER, before buying shares in the market of investors can also make guidelines on the position of the company. Whether the company is a company who are leaders or classified growth company. If the leader is almost certainly shares the company will affect the other, so that the stock was worth to be purchased.

In addition to buying shares in the prime market, buying shares directly to the guarantor emissions (in the prime market), investors can buy shares in the secondary market or the regular market. Through regular market trading is also through members of the company or exchange effects. Can not purchase shares directly but investors have to effect the company or through exchange members. Investors' orders are handled by the company effect ago the company that will effect the transaction to continue the exchange floor. To order to buy will buy a pair on order and selling order will be installed in order selling.

The optimal investment choose the company that really understand the purpose of investment investor. Use the effect that the company stock to become a member (because there are companies who are not members of the effect exchanges).

Members have a seat on the exchange so that transactions can be treated directly. If members use a stock transaction with such fee charged is cheaper rather than the effect the company who are not members of stock exchange, because exchange members more efficient, ie, from the investor directly exchange members. Different effects with the company who are not members of exchanges, where your order to the effect that the company will be forwarded to members through the exchange market so there are two parties before the order to the market investors. In addition, also need to get the attention of investors is related to the services provided the company an effect. Adjust the effect the service company (or a member of exchange) to the needs of your investment.