After establishing portfolio, investors can have dealing with the various risks that may appear on the stock market. We know the risk factors in the Stock Market be calculated high enough. In theory the high risk in the Capital Market reflects the high level of return or income that can be obtained. There are some risks that are dominant in the stock investment, which is big enough impact on the performance of stock exchanges. At the macro scale, for example, the performance of investment in IHSG (Indonesia Stock Exchange) influenced by other stock exchange, economic global conditions, political stability, and performance of other securities exchange both regional and global. In addition, the activity is also very sensitive to the various rumors and News. To understand the condition of the company and the economy entirety, is the primary requirement to avoid a variety of information and rumors.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Have a high income from invest in the Stock Market is not only a dream. Relatively high transaction liquidity provide opportunities for investors to optimize their incomes greater. How to be sure to understand the market risk and to understand the shares that you choose. Choose the specific stocks shares with high liquidity, and make a portfolio that consists of several types of shares.
Posted by Robby at 7:06 AM
Label: Discipline in Stock Market
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